
Not Your Grandfather's Training Programs!

Pretty Simple University aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge to innovate and simplify, ultimately enhancing the value they deliver to their customers. Our approach centers on sparking new ideas and reducing complexity.

What Make Us Spcecial?

We go beyond the commonplace offers of training on best practice frameworks, methods, tools, and technology.



Our course offerings directly support the advisory services provided by Pretty Simple Group, Inc. This means that the time spent with advisors working to forward your business objectives isn't wasted on "covering the basics"
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Beyond Ceritifcation

While there may be a "certificate of completion" issued at the end of a course, getting one isn't the objective. This issuance is our best means of helping ensure participants have achieved the stated learning objectives and are ready to get engaged in the projects or initiatives they're assigned to.
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All of our courses are designed to be completed on a self-paced basis. Content is broken into logical chunks, intended to be consumed in short time blocks. In this way, busy working professionals can fit their training into their day, wherever they happen to find themselves.
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The highest compliment a customer can give me is, "That's really interesting! I never thought about this like that before." It really is the essence of the Pretty Simple approach: stimulate thinking and reduce complexity in order to produce the results that your customers care about.

Kenneth ("kengon") Gonzalez
Speaker, Advisor, and former Gartner Analyst